Monday, June 7, 2010

Ap 2-d FinaL- The final blog post

My advise for AP students next year is if your waiting till the very last night to get a project done, then you better well know that you can do it. Also don't be afraid to exit your comfort zone. be willing to try new things once in a while.

My favorite piece this year is probably the one i drew of my brother and the crocodile. This piece made me realize that i was done with my first concentration idea and was ready for a change. I also liked how it turned out. I liked my flowering inferno piece, because it was something i made that was more feminine than what i usually make. also it was one of my one night pieces that won a gold key. that made me happy.

What i learned about my self this year was that if i start a piece early, then it will turn out better than one the night before (except for some occasions). I was willing to try new things

My favorite events are three-

1. the AP showcase- this is when i got the feeling of "yes, i survived AP for the SECOND time around". it was a nice experience to go through again. i also forgot how long you just have to wait around for.

2. The barbecue- did you try those Angus beef patties?

3. Lumberjack day- it was nice seeing my art teacher and peers outside of the art room and acting more casual and relaxed. Plus i really want to start axe throwing. Ms. McBride, I'll let you know if i want to get a target started at my house.

In ten years i see myself doing something that makes me happy. I don't like planning that far ahead to the T. But i probably see myself doing something with art. next year going to mica, i plan on trying all sorts of different medias, which i hopefully find something that will be my future career.

poem: "When one wants to sit, then it seems they're going to quit. But if you stand tall, you can possibly win them all." - Reverend LumberJackson McCulloch Grove.

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