Monday, December 14, 2009


The central idea for my concentration is to create a personal interpretation of musical artists i have seen over the past several years. a few years ago and still today i would bring a camera to concerts and try to capture epic moments of the artists in action. Music has always given me inspiration towards creating and developing my art; even more than physical pieces. I have certain ideas I'm going to try to incorporate in the body of work, so that they all have a feeling they were by the same person. i want to try and make it something that is visually awesome and not just something with a deep message behind it. Art needs to be at a certain level of awesomeness before i say "put that in my house please."

I'll take suggestions on what bands i should try and work with, but it has to be from the list bellow.
-Modest Mouse -Greenday -The Who -The New Pornographers -'Awesome' -The Hives -Coldplay -Fleet Foxes -The Flaming Lips -The Mars Volta -Star death and White Dwarfs -Built to Spill -KISS -Rush -Van Halen -Cold War Kids -M.I.A. -Red Hot Chili Peppers -Yeasayer -Poison -Beatles tribute band- Flight of the Conchords -Rodrigo y Gabriela

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Chaos Reigns

I saw a nice family fun movie with Karen, Becky, and Sam on friday night. Its called "Antichrist"

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Weekend

Dis past weekend i flew out to Baltimore to visit da school MICA. It was fun. I liked it a lot. DA mix of da city and school is something I'm looking for. I was able to hit all of da hot spots like George Washington's memorial, da Hustler's club, da pussycat Club, and more. My main man Carl at the front desk of da hotel was sooper Chill. He told us on how da criminal mind works in Baltimore (he used to be an ex. police detective). Also when i was flying back home i was pulled to da side after going through da metal detector and placed in a glass tube where i had to lift my arms and get a body scan. I'm da criminal.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


I have a few favorite songs that are all by the same artist. here's a taste

Psychiatric Explorations of the Fetus with Needles
Cats killing dogs, pigs eating rats
Every mouth will eat you up the king bug laughs
Belly of the heart, belly full of bats
The chromosomes seem not to want the fetus

They beat you up
They make you leave
Sticking needles in your knees
Knowing God will be pleased
Should make it easy

Snakes eating frogs, toads eating gnats
When the space ship beams you up boy, get drunk fast
Rubber bullet barn, titty suckin' calf
Goats and roosters, bees and bugs, amoebas

They blow you up, make it breath
Make it feel like a disease
Though it's hard to believe it makes it easy

A Spoonful Weighs a Ton
And though they were sad they rescued everyone
They lifted up the sun
A spoonful weighs a ton
Giving more than they had
The process had begun
A million came from one
The limits now were none
Being drunk on their plan, they lifted up the sun
Forcing it off with their hands
The trap door came undone
Above our heads it swung
The privilege had been won
Being drunk on their plan, they lifted up the sun
Yelling as hard as they can
The doubters all were stunned
Heard louder than a gun
The sound they made was love

Songs by The Flaming Lips

The Poem

I decided to choose a piece from Bukowski cause i tend to find his stuff enjoying and a bit funny. cliche, yeah. But i like him.

Bluebird by Charles Bukowski

there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say, stay in there, I'm not going
to let anybody see
there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I pur whiskey on him and inhale
cigarette smoke
and the whores and the bartenders
and the grocery clerks
never know that
in there.
there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say,
stay down, do you want to mess
me up?
you want to screw up the
you want to blow my book sales in
there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too clever, I only let him out
at night sometimes
when everybody's asleep.
I say, I know that you're there,
so don't be
then I put him back,
but he's singing a little
in there, I haven't quite let him
and we sleep together like
with our
secret pact
and it's nice enough to
make a man
weep, but I don't
weep, do

Sunday, October 4, 2009



Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Goin to Chicago for an interview. And if you ain't cool with this, then pucker up. OK. BYE!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Summer '09

1. This summer, I attended the Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation at the Colorado College in Colorado Springs. It was an honor for me to be apart of such a great art program for high school students like myself. There were times that i felt i deserve to be here, but more often i felt like didn't really deserve it. I'm just grateful for being chosen to have an opportunity that many students like myself would kill for.
2. Acrylic Painting of Greg. He's one of the models who at first has the impression of a homeless person (mostly because of his dress appeal), but we found out that he's been a teacher and a fighter pilot.
3. Acrylic Painting of a woman
4. Acrylic Painting of another woman, that was a good day.
5. The only homework we had was to take 8 large pieces of paper (about 18x24 in), fold those into 16 squares each (128), and then paint each of the 8 sheets with a color and their hues. The other homework we had was a sketchbook assignment that we were given a week to do, and everyone did it the night before. i chose to do 1 of the 3 assignments that requires of me to draw a self portrait representing my traits or emotions.
6. I was beginning to become a bit tired of drawing and painting from observation all day, so when i was drawing my hand i decided to add an eyeball.
7. Again, i wanted to do something different from observation. So i did a drawing of a head blowing up. I sometimes find the sick minded ideas to be quite interesting and most fun to create.
8. It's probably not surprising that i have a nude piece. I first i thought i messed up drawing this, but then went with the abstract flow, try something out of my comfort zone.
At MWSAF we only had models with clothing on, there was no nudes. We couldn't even watch an R rated movie. So i had to go to hipbone when i got back to OregON.
9. Charcoal nude.
10. The process (large Thumbnail Sketch)
11. The Execution. This piece i find isn't my best work, but its one of the most personal and closest pieces to my loving heart. I have some things i want to add on to it though.
12. Back in business Baby!! planning on having it ready by Scholastic. The middle finger was the only one that didn't break off.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Last one of the school year

This year i focused around the human body and figure for my AP art concentration. Throughout the year i had to find ways of putting the human figure/body into a piece of art. This required me to visit the Hipbone studios, where i had to draw random naked people ( both male and female). Probably my favorite pieces i did was dickinson and the 12th piece i did, not the 13th. Both pieces made me have a feeling of joy and self-completion. the most difficult experience i had with my concentration was thinking up ideas (which i was able to do with in days of their due date). I'm excited about next years art class. I feel like i'm going to progress and push myself as an artist over the summer. My advice for next years art class is procrastinate. But only should you do this if you can create art in a short period of time. It worked for me, it might work for you. Probably try doing a piece of art in one night and see how you like it.

i went to the zoo this past sunday and i saw an elephant do an abstract painting. the animal started by spraying paint on to cover the background, and then it painted some stuff on there. sorry for the glass glare.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Some one that I've noticed from the Portland area, as well has work i enjoy looking at is Deborah marble. Her work is simplistic and messy, and yet i can still tell what the image is depicting. With her awesome water coloring skills she is able to let the paint bleed to the to amount she wants it to and also can stroke a steady line. The subjects that she paints aren't anything too special, until she attacks it from an artistic stand point. The figures that she paints look a little too feminine to my taste (the legs), but her style overall is what i take notice on.

One out of state artist that has work I've really come to of fancied is Wayne Coyne of Oklahoma City, OK. Yes he's the lead singer of a band, but also he creates art on some of his spare time that i find visually exciting and neeto to look at. i admire how he tries to take things beyond their limit and create unusual subjects onto a canvas. He's not a famous artist that everyone knows, but atleast he's contributing to the movement that art follows.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

blog update number 27

For my photography class i did a series of self-portrait photos that are instrumental and have isolated color. For my concentration I’m thinking of having a guy with an elephant nose, as there shlong, but I need to figure out the layout. Also for my photography class I’m doing an essay on Elliot ewritt. Say yay for art!

Friday, February 27, 2009

February Critique

My concentration is revolving around the human form and figure. I went with this idea, because i find the human race fasinating to create in the form of art and i wanted to have fun doing so. The work I've done for this round, i find, is much more different than my previous pieces. One of them is of a guy with his head is exploding. when i was working on this piece i felt a bit frustrated and tired of my concentration and i honestly felt that my creativity was trapped and i coundn't get the juices flowing. So i expressed that in my sketchbook with some chalk and oil pastels. the result was satisfinying that i felt like using it as piece for my set, but i wanted to enlarge it. so i did. Da other piece i worked on was of an arm moving through the different layers of the body (skin...muscle...bone). I feel like if i'm doing the human form/figure, i should incorporate the layers of the body into one of my pieces, i decided to do an arm because of all of the crossings in the muscles and bones, plus i had a canvas that i needed to use. when i was origanlly planing this out, i wanted to have some ink running down the side of the arm in the direction towards the fingers, but after i got to a spot where i was liking it, i wasn't so sure if i should go on. I let you, the critic, give your opinon on that. Also if i gave my self more time to work on this one, i think it would of looked kool if it was made with encaustics (just the arm). If yoiu read this, thank you.
i don't know what to call this


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

AP Art ZOO Trip

i had a fun time with da AP art class at da zoo the other day. we were supposed to have at least ten pictures to possibly use for concentration work. that's going to be tuff for me, but I'll use some of them for my photo class and inspiration. Da snow was a fun, but at the same time an annoying element to da trip, cause it made the animals want to stay inside. here are some of da pics from da zoo.

Monday, January 26, 2009

more moments of life

more great photos from my trip this winter break to Belize.
this is a beach towel. click on the picture to read different interpretation
you know who this is

different signs at a little restaurant

Nuss bus

my uncle's on the far left
